Detect early warning signs of diseases and prevent it before it is too late

Our Well-being Programs are personalized solution,
specially designed to control escalating Insurance Premiums
from getting unmanageable
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Health Risk Assessment Entails
Vital Information
Age, Gender, Height, Weight, BMI, SPO2, SPIRO
Health Vitals
Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Cholesterol etc.
Food Habits, Smoking, Alcohol intakes, Exercise, & Diet
Personal & Family Medical History
Check prevalence of Diabetes, Cardio-vascular diseases, obesity health risks
Our HRA focuses on self +family medical history,current health status, medications and lifestyle habits
Age, Gender, Height, Weight, BMI, SPO2, SPIRO
There are no right or wrong answers, so being completely truthful is helpful
Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Cholesterol etc.
Of course, all information is confidential and completely secure
Food Habits, Smoking, Alcohol intakes, Exercise, & Diet
Personal & Family Medical History
Check prevalence of Diabetes, Cardio-vascular diseases, obesity health risks