Health Directory is an advanced search feature, easily accessible on healthcapita mobile APP.

Our Health Directory

  • Our Health Directory is a free-to-use online resource created and developed by healthcapita.
  • It provides a searchable database of profiles for all health and well-being providers needed to tackle pressing health issues in global health.
  • The summary of the published profiles outlines 8-10 key characteristics (such as target population, measures of efficacy and dosage) of health providers, including medicines, vaccines and diagnostics.
  • Building this Health Directory feature is essential to ensure that the necessary health services will be accessible to the populations that need them.
  • Recent pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for centralized information to guide and improve coordination of efforts to access health & well-being providers.

Find Nearest Provider

Using this feature, Members can search and find their nearest



Blood bank


Hospitals & Clinics

Diagnostic Centres


Health Spas


Wellness Centres

Ayurvedic Therapy Centres

  • We have developed an online resource to guide members to search for nearest health providers by just a click.
  • An essential tool for finding universal health providers, the Health Directory aims to promote and combat neglected diseases and threats to global health, including antimicrobial resistance and diseases with pandemic potential.

Our Services

Achieve meaningful outcome with our well-being program